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50 Students go to 50 SMEs
We are now seeking for Finnish SMEs (especially from Ostrobothnia region) to join our "50 students go to 50 SMEs" cooperation project. You have now an opportunity to make good use of students' knowledge in developing your business activities. Join now!
We have started together with Viexpo, ELY center and the University of Vaasa in honor of the 50th anniversary year the ”50 students go to 50 SMEs” cooperation project. The aim of the project is to acquaint and engage the University students in our area’s companies, diverse business life, and networks already during the studies. The cooperation project is part of the NordicHub and aims at attracting at least 50 SMEs to university marketing courses during the autumn 2018 and spring 2019. We piloted the project during the Nordic Service Marketing course (which is currently ongoing). In spring 2019, we have planned to start the cooperation with the following marketing courses: Marketing Communication, Graphic Design Tool, Marketing Project Work and Bachelor’s Thesis.
More information about the project: Beda Arponen, NordicHub Project Manager,