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Nordic Gateway
Nordic Gateway project has helped Ostrobothnian companies to enter the Nordic markets and especially the Norwegian market. The project has provided pop-up offices in Norway, trainings, trips to Norway, sales café afternoons and other matchmaking events and visits from Norway to Ostrobothnia. About 100 companies has been a part of the project and several of the has gained new contacts and foothold on these markets.
Even if the project has ended, the work in helping Ostrobothnian companies in their efforts toward export continues in the participating organisations.
Nordic Gateway is a joint project of Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK, Viexpo and YA! Vocational College of Ostrobothnia. The aim was to help Ostrobothnian companies to enter the Nordic markets, to provide assistance in creating networks in different areas and geographical regions of Norway and Sweden as well as provide the Ostrobothnian companies with information and contacts.
The project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund during the project period 1.9.2015–30.6.2019.
For more information see: https://www.nordicgateway.fi/