Events & News

Nordic Innovation: Nordic Female Entrepreneurship In Europe women entrepreneurs count for about one third. Factors like networking, mentors and role

Wind, Renewable and Smart Energy Matchmaking 2021 Wind, Renewable and Smart Energy | 16-17 March 2021 Matchmaking & Webinars –

TechTurku Week 2021 5.–12.3.2021 This year the TechTurku Week is being organised entirely online. The week’s topics include cyber security,

NordicHub –Pohjoismaisen yhteistyön rakentaja 3.2.2021 @ 10–11​ ”Yhteistyö verkostojen kautta edesauttaa innovaatioita, muutosta ja kilpailukykyä. Norjan elinkeinoelämä koostuu pääasiassa pk-yrityksistä,

The Nordic Ministers launched initiatives for economy recover DKK 250 million to a greener business sector The five Nordic ministers

Online Global Cluster Matchmaking 2020 September 24. 14:00–18:00 (CET) The Global Cluster Matchmaking is for cluster organisations, business development organisations