EGTC – European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation

EAYY – Eurooppalaisen alueellisen yhteistyön yhtymä

EGTS – Europeisk gruppering för territoriellt samarbete

On 21 May, 2018, the Kvarken Council’s AGM took the historical decision to transform the Council from being a registered association into an EGTC, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation.

The EGTC is a European legal instrument for crossborder cooperation. The EGTC is a powerful and clear instrument which is specifically designed for crossborder cooperation in Europe.

As an EGTC, the Kvarken Council will carry more weight to coordinate the development in the region and to advance, together, issues of regional importance at the national, Nordic and European Union levels. Establishment as an EGTC will improve the visibility and impact of the Kvarken region’s important crossborder cooperation on the regional, national, Nordic and European Union levels.

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